Monday, October 7, 2019

Accurate FMH 139 5pack H Cg Pregnancy Home Test Kit Available From iProven

iProven, a company based in Dordrecht, The Netherlands, has announced that the FMH-139 5pack kit to test for pregnancy that has been thoroughly tested to ensure maximum sensitivity is now available. With this new midstream test kit for pregnancy comes 5 hCG test strips so that the tester will have a lot of spare strips if she wants to repeat the test just to make sure. Accuracy has been determined to be over 99 percent if the test is done on cycle day one, which the first day that her menstruation cycle is supposed to start.

Cycle day one occurs 14 days or two weeks after the fertilization or the date of the baby dance. In other words, the length of time between the possible fertilization of the egg and cycle day one is 14 days or two weeks. This means that women who are TTC have to wait that long to know if they are pregnant. This is because it would take that long for the fertilized egg, if fertilization did occur, to move to the uterus and attach itself to the uterine wall. It is at that point in time that the body will begin producing large amounts of the hCG pregnancy hormone such that it can be detected in the urine.

The FMH-139 kit is therefore designed to be used on cycle day one to ensure an accuracy of more than 99 percent. And the FMH-139 5pack kit even has 5 test strips for those who can’t believe their eyes that the results came out positive. They can repeat the test two times, three times, or even up to five times with this kit.

Avoiding a false positive result is the goal of the company in developing this more than 99 percent accurate test kit. It could really be a big let down for those who have been trying to conceive, particularly those who have been waiting for a really long time, to find out from the doctor later on that it was merely a false positive result.

Suzanne, a spokesperson for iProven, says, “We truly had to ensure that the FMH-139 Midstream Pregnancy Test kit is as accurate as possible. From the day of your expected period, this test kit will give you results over 99% accurate. This is because it is capable of detecting hCG at a concentration of 25 mIU/ML.”

It should also be observed that the FMH-139 pregnancy test kit comes with a pink cap. That cap is not just for covering the testing end when it is not in use. It is designed to be transferred to the other end when performing the test. In that way, the tester can avoid getting urine on the hand holding the test kit while directing her urine stream on the test strip.

After exposing the test strip to her urine for 10 seconds, the tester should wait for three to five minutes. And when checking the results, the tester should first check if there is a control line because if it is not present, the results are invalid and she will need to repeat the test with a new test strip. If there is only the control line, then the results are negative. However, if there are two lines in the window - one of which is the control line and the other is the test line – then it is time to celebrate because the results are positive. She is pregnant and she has finally achieved her goal.

iProven is a home health products company that develops and makes available various kinds of products that are designed for taking care of the health of various members of the family. Those who are interested in learning more about the FMH-139 5pack hCG pregnancy home test or other similar products from iProven can go to the company’s website or their Amazon page. Or they can simple call them on the telephone or contact them through email.


For more information about iProven, contact the company here:

Beaverton, OR

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