Centerville, UT based The Flood Co. is issuing a public advisory regarding mold infestations after they began a project to dispose of mold discovered in a Herriman, Utah home. Given that the inept installation of a new piping network led to the mold outbreak in question, the company hopes to encourage other homeowners to be vigilant of more unconventional sources of moisture on their own properties.
The Flood Co. President Daryl Olsen reports that, “Our team found moldy walls and swollen baseboards when they arrived on site. From there, they carried out a thorough inspection to find the source of the water that had led to the mold outbreak and came across holes in the house’s foundation that had let in groundwater. Upon questioning the house’s residents, the team learned that another contractor had drilled holes into the foundation in order to lay piping—but had neglected to complete the job and seal the holes afterwards. In time, the increased moisture provided the perfect environment for mold to take hold in the house’s basement.”
While the homeowner made the right call requesting aid from water damage experts like the technicians at The Flood Co., Olsen states that this case should serve as a cautionary tale for other homes. “You may be aware that mold removal is quite an involved process that takes time, manpower, and the right equipment to dispose of, but not everyone can promptly get the help they seek once mold has set in. This Herriman home unfortunately discovered that their insurance policy does not cover groundwater entering the premises, so the cleanup project is on hold for now. Needless to say, this has caused a great deal of hardship for the house’s residents.”
In light of this, he suggests that homeowners and other parties who are responsible for a property should take a more mindful approach to considering how mold can take root. As mold proliferation is highly dependent on the presence of water, Olsen advises that homeowners look for every source of water in and around their home. “The first question you should ask,” he says, “is whether a given area is damp. The second question should be how often and for how long a period the area is damp. In some cases, you may want to tour your house and check for leaks or suspect moisture any time it rains, or even periodically check parts of the house you don’t normally use. If you spot moisture, you should consider getting the area inspected for mold as soon as possible and take measures to rectify the situation.”
However, as with the home in Herrington, moisture can sometimes appear from unexpected sources. The clue in situations like this, according to Olsen, is in the type of work being carried out. He explains that, “Any time you drill a hole or otherwise create a claustrophobic space with poor airflow, you should take note whether or not the area in question is near any source of water. In this case, the need to take more care was more obvious because the job had to do with pipes. If nothing else, the area should have been checked periodically for leaks to ensure everything was fitted well.”
On the other hand, Olsen notes that homeowners would do well to check on the work of their contractors themselves, adding that this policy should also apply to companies who appear to have the necessary experience and tools to perform the job satisfactorily. He warns that a single mistake can sometimes be all that it takes to lay the foundation for bigger problems to arise down the line.
Those who wish to learn more about Herriman Utah Mold Removal may contact Daryl Olsen of The Flood Co. to follow up on any inquiries. They may also visit the company’s main website to read further on mold removal techniques, as well as other warning signs to look out for in addition to moisture. Furthermore, the company maintains an active presence on multiple social media channels, through which customers and other interested parties may stay up to date with their latest posts and announcements.
For more information about The Flood Co., contact the company here:
The Flood Co.
Daryl Olsen
1164 W 850 N
Centerville, UT 84014
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