Monday, October 7, 2019

I Proven Relaunches FL 35 Ovulation Home Test Strips

iProven, a business based in Dordrecht, The Netherlands, has announced that they have relaunched the iProven FL-35 test strips for detecting ovulation. These test kits have been unavailable for some time but they are happy to announce that these are now once again available. They are designed to help women who are trying to conceive (TTC) to pinpoint that moment in time when they are most fertile so that they can increase their chances of getting pregnant. Specifically, these strips test for the presence of the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which indicates ovulation. Women are advised to follow the step-by-step instructions that have been provided in the manual that comes with the kit.

Instructions have been provided for interpreting the results because every woman’s body is different. Some will notice that they have a positive LH test during their whole cycle. The only difference that they will notice is that their second line will become darker when their ovulation day is near. Other women will only detect a faint second line on the day that their body experiences a surge in LH. It is this surge that triggers ovulation approximately 24 to 36 hours later. Thus, women who are TTC have this window of opportunity in which to do the baby dance and possibly get pregnant.

When doing the test with the FL-35 kit, women who are TTC should collect their urine in the morning in a clean container. They will then dip the test strip into the urine for five seconds. The results will appear after 3 minutes and that is the time to check on the results and interpret it using the manual.

Suzanne, a spokesperson for iProven, says, “Whether you’re just beginning your TTC journey, or you’ve been trying for quite some time, reliable ovulation test strips are a vital tool. That’s the reason why we developed this fertility monitor kit. The strips in our ovulation test kit have an accuracy of 99%.”

She continues, “Some women have a positive LH-test during their entire cycle. The only difference is that their second line becomes darker when their Ovulation Day approaches. Others only see a faint second line appear on the day they have their LH-surge. In both cases, it is key that you know what is going on in your own body. So you know when your chances of pregnancy are highest. Our ovulation kit will give you the insights you’re looking for.”

She explains that using an ovulation test kit is an important tool because there is only a small window of opportunity during the entire month or the whole cycle of a women who is TTC. Ovulation is that time when the egg is released from the ovary, which means that it is ready for fertilization by a sperm cell. The egg remains there for only a short time, which means that a woman is most fertile only for a few days. This is usually 12 to 14 days before her next cycle begins. It is therefore important for her to know her most fertile days in order to be able to do the baby dance.

And because the purpose of all those testing is for women to get pregnant, iProven has included two pregnancy test strips in the FL-35 kit. Naturally, women who are TTC will want to perform a home test to check if they have finally become pregnant. The principle is basically the same but this time, the test is designed to check for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in the urine. If a woman is pregnant, the surge in hCG usually occurs during cycle day one, which is the first day of the next menstrual cycle. Thus, the pregnancy test must be performed at this day.

iProven is a company that develops home health products that are designed to help them care for the health of the various members of the family, including themselves. Those who want to learn more about the FL-35 LH strips or other similar products from iProven take a look at their website or their Amazon page. Or they can contact them through the telephone or email.


For more information about iProven, contact the company here:

Beaverton, OR

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