iProven, a business based in Dordrecht, The Netherlands, has announced that they have released the FMH-139 10pack midstream test kit for pregnancy. This test kit for pregnancy comes with 10 hCG test strips so that women trying to conceive will have a lot of spare strips if they want to repeat the test to double check, triple check, or more. Accuracy has been determined to be over 99 percent if the test is done on cycle day one, which is the first day of her next menstruation cycle.
The company has ensured that the accuracy of the test kit would be as high as possible in order to minimize the risk of getting a false positive result. They realize that those who have been trying to conceive, particularly those who have been waiting for a really long time, will be very disappointed in the event that they get a false positive result, and find out later on that they’re not really pregnant.
It should be noted that the window of opportunity for getting pregnant is quite small. This is because women are most fertile at the time of ovulation, which when the egg is released from the ovaries. This usually occurs 12 to 14 days before the next period begins. This is the narrow window of opportunity to get pregnant, and if the egg indeed gets fertilized, it will need to travel to the uterus and attach itself to its wall, were it will develop and grow until it becomes a full-grown baby ready for delivery.
It will take 14 days for the fertilized egg to move to the uterus and attach itself to the uterine wall. Only then will the body produce enough hCG for this to be detected in the urine. Thus, the recommended date for testing is cycle day one. That is quite a long wait for women TTC to be able to test if they are pregnant. Again, it could be quite a disappointment if they get a false positive result.
Suzanne, a spokesperson for iProven, says, “The Pregnancy Midstream Test FMH-139 gives you the reassurance you need. From the day of your expected period, this pregnancy test will give you results over 99% accurate. Plus, the pregnancy test midstream does not keep you waiting long. It shows rapid results within 3 to 5 minutes. If the test shows a single control line, the test is negative and you are not pregnant. If the test shows two lines, a control line and a test line, the test is positive and you are pregnant. Congratulations!”
There are two ways to use the FMH-139 test kit. First, the tester can use it midstream. It is suggested that users take the test with morning urine and to wait for two seconds before placing the test strip in contact with their urine stream. After two seconds, the tester must direct the urine stream on the white squares of the test strip only for a duration of 10 seconds.
The other way is to collect some morning urine in a clean container and then dip the test strip, ensuring that only the white squares are immersed. It should be dipped for a duration of 5 seconds. After five minutes, the results will appear in the window.
Take note that if there is no control line, which is the one on the right side of the window, the test results are invalid. The tester must get a new test strip and perform the test again. But if there is a control line on the right but there is no other line, the results are negative. If there is a control line and a test line at the same time, then the results are positive.
iProven is a company that offers home health products that are designed to help take care of the health of various members of the family. Those who would like to know more about the FMH-139 10pack hCG pregnancy midstream test or other similar products from iProven can visit their website or their Amazon page. Or they can simply contact them on the phone or through email.
For more information about iProven, contact the company here:
Beaverton, OR
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