Thursday, October 10, 2019

Keenhealth Announces That The K DT 131 P Digital Thermometer For The Baby And Kids Is Back In Stock

Keenhealth, a home health products business based in Denver, Colorado, has announced that their K-DT-131 P medical thermometer for the baby and kids is back in stock. This medical thermometer has been out of stock for some time because of the high demand. The company is now happy to announce that they have finally managed to make it available again, just in time for the flu season. This thermometer is designed to measure the body temperature of the baby or kids rectally because this is the recommended way to get the most accurate reading.

Lily, a spokesperson for Keenhealth, says, “As a parent, you want to make sure your newborn is happy and healthy. Especially when your baby is younger than 6 months, you want to be able to act immediately when a fever is at play. That’s why you want to have a baby thermometer you can count on. This digital medical thermometer is the device you need if you want to know whether you should contact your doctor.”

She adds, “This medical thermometer has also been designed for use with kids. This allows parents to have just one thermometer that they can use for their baby and for the rest of their kids.”

When taking the temperature of babies and kids, mommies and daddies would prefer to have accurate readings that can be had in just a few seconds. It is to be expected that babies and kids would be fussy if they are not feeling well and would likely resist having their temperature taken rectally. But with the K-DT-131 P digital baby thermometer, the reading would only take 10 seconds and the thermometer has a small and flexible tip, which means that any discomfort felt is minimized. And to make it even better, petroleum jelly or baby oil can applied to the tip. The baby or child will hardly feel it.

And to make it easy for parents to wash and clean the tip of the thermometer to ensure hygiene and to prevent infection, the tip has been designed to be waterproof by Keenhealth. And this thermometer even comes in a transparent hard case. This will ensure that the thermometer will not be contaminated when it is kept inside a drawer, ready for the next time that it is required.

With the flu activity at its height during October and November, parents have all the right to be worried about the babies and kids. This is especially true for newborn babies younger than six months. While they are at high risk of serious flu complications, there is no flu vaccine that has been approved for them. What parents can do is to have themselves be vaccinated, including the other children, to minimize the risk that they will get the flu and pass it on to the baby.

Parents should, therefore, be always on the lookout for any flu symptoms that their babies and children will show. Since a fever is one of the common symptoms, a medical thermometer with assured accuracy and fast readings is a valuable tool for parents who want to protect their children. That way, if they notice symptoms, they can check the temperature of their baby or their kids. And if there is a fever, they can do what is necessary to control the fever and then bring the baby or kids to the doctor.

It should also be noted that the K-DT-131 P digital thermometer has a switch that allows the user to shift from Fahrenheit to Centigrade and vice versa. In this way, whatever scale the user is familiar with, he or she can use it with this thermometer. Keenhealth also assures parents that this thermometer has been approved for use with babies and kids so that they can have peace of mind when using it for their children.

Those who would like to know more about the K-DT-131 P rectal baby thermometer or other similar products from Keenhealth can check out their Amazon page.


For more information about Keenhealth, contact the company here:

Denver, CO

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