Tuesday, October 8, 2019

N-ergetics, A Holistic Supplement Company, Survives 20 Years Despite Adversity

Colloidal Silver comes to the top of the list to fight where antibiotics fail.

The Super Bugs, Pandemics, and killer Influenzas are here. The medical world is left scratching their heads to come up with a Big Pharma solution.

However, the real news is the overuse of penicillin has caused Super Bugs to develop that no antibiotic or anti-viral medicine will control. Today we find that natural colloidal silver has been laboratory tested and found to kill Superbugs as well as 650 pathogens in vitro within 4 minutes.

N-ergetics is pleased to announce its 20th birthday of colloidal silver sales. On October 17th we celebrate twenty years of continuous service to our customers. Despite roller coaster silver metal prices, and internet changes, N-ergetics, a Holistic Supplement Company, continues to serve the same quality products at the same price first offered 20 years ago.

This internet based company started in 1999 with the goal to supply colloidal silver, an immune support supplement, to the public, using premium products at half the going retail market price. N-ergetics still maintains this goal. Colloidal Silver 1100 PPM is the oldest most studied of all forms of colloidal silver.

To keep up with the modern online presence and marketing ease, N-ergetics announces a New Improved Website at the same web address.

N-ergetics has been a retailer of all forms of colloidal silver to satisfy every request, including a high concentration of 1100 PPM to 20 PPM high voltage colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver has been used as a natural antibiotic since early Chinese and Egyptian times. The pandemics of plague, influenza, and pox were treated with colloidal silver and essential oils.

Modern medicine discovered penicillin in 1928 and terminated the use of the prescription, colloidal silver. It has since been an over the counter supplement. Ninety one years later researchers and doctors have discovered that viruses and bacteria have built up an immunity to beta-lactams, or the commonly known penicillin family. Viruses can mutate in 17 days making most vaccinations useless.

To round out the holistic approach to healing, Essential Oils were added to the N-ergetics product line and includes oils from origanum to frankincense. Liberal 30 ml, half ounce, bottles of 100% pure botanically named essential oils are offered at low prices found nowhere else online. Aromatherapy wound care, natural antibiotic are but a few of the uses for these essential oils used for millennia.

The same three essential oils used to combat the bubonic plaque are still sold today to ward off air-born diseases, pandemics, seasonal colds, and the flu.

These immune support supplements guard against the ever present microbes that render millions sick every year with the flu, and the notable international diseases such as Nile virus, Ebola, EEE, Staph, bird flu and others that are viral spawned or bacterium born.

Stop in today to find products that are currently on Sale to commemorate their 20th Birthday.


For more information about N-ergetics Natural Supplements, contact the company here:

N-ergetics Natural Supplements
(580) 889 6486
Atoka OK 74525

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