Wednesday, October 16, 2019

TNL Offers Aid To California Residents Who Are Financially Falling Behind

California based The Net Lender (TNL) is continuing their efforts to make their services available to as many California residents as possible. A respected financial aid provider whose services notably have far fewer restrictions for entry, the company makes it their mission to help their customers avoid falling behind their financial obligations. Learn more on their official website at

Given their perspective in the industry, the company is quick to note that more and more people are looking for ways to supplement their income, with varying degrees of success. The issue, however, is that the cost of living in the state continues to rise unabated, forcing many individuals and families alike to continually exceed their budgets. These unending expenses most harshly affect the people who are already struggling to make ends meet, and an unexpected turn of events like a medical emergency can be all it takes for them to slide into debt.

TNL states, “Many of our customers come to us because they live paycheck to paycheck and have very limited margins to account for unplanned expenses. A family of four who can only afford the odd night out for dinner may not, for instance, be able to cope with the medical bills following even a minor accident. This is one of the more common scenarios, but we also have a wide variety of other customers who need a quick injection of cash for a one-time expense that they cannot make on their own. This is where a car title loan can help.”

They explain, “Some have approached us because they needed a new suit to make a good impression at a job interview. A few parents wanted to help their children go on a school trip that was outside their budget. Others simply wanted to fund a small vacation after being overworked for months. Whatever their requirements, we don’t discriminate, and we do our best to ensure everyone can access our services at their convenience.” While all their services can be accessed online, those who wish to discuss their situation with a company representative in person may do so by visiting TNL at the locations listed here:

The Net Lender’s core services revolve around the fact that they accept car titles as collateral for financial assistance. Where other institutions, like banks, may have a stringent list of requirements for any help they can offer (alongside hidden disqualifiers in some cases), TNL points out that they do not even require a good credit score. Applicants simply need to be of legal age, own the lien-free title to their own car, and fulfill a mere handful of other requirements (that can be read in full on TNL’s website) to successfully apply for aid. The specific amount of aid they are entitled to is based on the vehicle’s mileage, age, condition, and current resale value. If the applicant fulfills these relatively minor conditions, they may be able to obtain up to $10,000 or more in under 24 hours after they make their application.

One of the biggest advantages of working with TNL is that they allow customers to keep their vehicle while the cash advance is being repaid. They explain, “Our goal is to help you stay on your feet, not to drag you into a predatory ring of debt. To that end, you will not have to give up your only means of commuting to work just to get our help. Furthermore, our superior lending network and associated advisors give us the ability to determine the most appropriate repayment term based on your unique situation. This effectively means you enjoy a great deal of financial flexibility with us.”

As they state on their website, “What can you expect when you call us? Rest assured our staff has been trained to be very pleasant and polite. We believe in taking a no pressure, no hassle sales approach to every phone interaction, so do not expect a pushy person to pressure you into doing something you want. We only get paid if we help you get financing, and you can only get financing if your vehicle meets certain criteria. You can rest assured you will find our staff to be polite and professional.”

Those who wish to learn more may call the company’s customer hotline, browse their website and online resources, or stop by one of their many locations to speak with a representative. Read more about TNL’s answer to the rising cost of living and California’s housing crisis here:


For more information about The Net Lender, contact the company here:

The Net Lender
(888) 663-7074
The Net Lender

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