Monday, March 2, 2020

CatCuddles Shares Cat Rescue and Adoption Stories Through Their New Website

Phoenix, Arizona, based CatCuddles recently announced the launch and unveiling of their new website, which contains all things feline related, ranging from important knowledge of breed types and insight into prevalent health conditions. New or prospective cat owners are also offered valuable resources by the site, which includes a directory of credible no-kill shelters and guidance in finding the perfect vet for their pet. As major proponents for the adoption and rescue of felines, the owners behind CatCuddles are firm believers in the no-kill policy within shelters across the nation.

The new site’s founder, Steve Miller, expands upon his goals for CatCuddles. “We understand the unique challenges that many new and potential pet owners face these days in terms of finding a reputable vet or a humane, loving shelter to trust when it comes to adoption and rescues. Making the decision to bring a new cat into one’s life is an exciting time. However, it can also come with some difficulties when it comes to choosing whether to adopt, rescue, or purchase a feline. Finding a trustworthy organization or individual seller is not always simple. We wanted our site to be a great resource for cat owners of every background, whether they are searching for information regarding a specific cat breed or trying to figure out the best veterinarian to see in their area,” says Miller.

A fun, exciting aspect of the website allows feline lovers to interact with each other through popular social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Owners may submit a picture or video of their amazing cat, along with its life story and other important details like its name, breed, and age. All this information will then be compiled into beautiful posts that will be present on all the social media sites for CatCuddles. These posts never fail to pull on the heart strings of animal lovers. Cat owners can enter their pet’s story easily through their responsive site.

This stunning website currently features detailed information on the best cat breeds such as the Balinese, Persian, and a variety of hairless breeds. The Balinese, which may also be referred to as the Javanese, is a breed that emanates grace and beauty, from its bright blue eyes to its plush fur coat. As a close relative of the Siamese, the Balinese is highly coveted among cat connoisseurs. The stout, flat-faced Persian breed is known to enjoy a long life of up to 20 years. The Persian is one of the most popular “teacup cat” breeds. Lastly, there exists a wide variety of hairless cat breeds, such as the Elf, Peterbald, and Donskoy. While each hairless feline has a diverse personality and features, all share in possessing the noticeable trait of hairlessness.

CatCuddles is a go-to site for feline fanatics like themselves, whether it be to brush up on useful information regarding cat health questions or simply looking into the unique characteristics of a breed. Owners may enjoy camaraderie with other animal lovers through CatCuddles and their social media accounts and even enter their cat giveaways to help with the costs of pet ownership. Visit the CatCuddles site to take part in all things feline.


For more information about CatCuddles, contact the company here:

Steve Miller
(800) 459-0519
Steve Miller
4400 N Scottsdale Rd. Suite 9-285
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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