Thursday, March 12, 2020 Highlights 5 Common Houseplants Toxic to Dogs

Laguna Niguel, CA - Because house plants are widely sold and so attractive, many people don’t realize many of them are very toxic to dogs. For example, the snake plant (Sansevieria) is extremely popular as a houseplant, not only because of its striking good looks, but because it’s so easy to grow.

WoofPost.Com - Toxic Plants for dogs

But unfortunately, all parts of the snake plant are poisonous to dogs and can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Next is dumb cane (Diffenbachia) – These pretty tropical indoor plants are very popular but dog owners should not let their dogs get anywhere near them. The leaves and stems of this plant contain needle sharp crystals made of calcium oxalate. If a dog chews or swallows the plant these crystals can cause serious trouble.

To read the remainder of this article, Five Common Houseplants That Are Toxic To Your Dog, including information on the remainder of the five toxic houseplants, go to

Also recently published are: Dogs Help Childred To Read, and Breed Spotlight - Labrador Retriever is a comprehensive site for information dog owners can rely on, and includes tips on health, exercise, fun facts, breed profiles and much more.

To access the complete article on canine toxic houseplants, plus the articles mentioned above and more, just go to has a free active Facebook Group of dog parents which any dog owner is welcome to join at


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The Woof Book Group
Charlet C. Sterling
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STE 300
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