Monday, June 29, 2020

Aviation Sales Case Study To Be Launched By ABCI

Tooele, UT based Aviation Business Consultants Intl. (ABCI) is pleased to announce that they will soon launch a case study for their Aviation Sales Skills course. As of now, the company is looking for 30 pilots or aircraft technicians who want to explore new opportunities by learning sales skills.

Given present circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the chaos it has caused for the airline industry, ABCI believes that this is the best time for people in the industry to adapt their existing skills and explore new ways to make a living. This worldwide crisis, they say, does not mean the industry will be gone (or even be stunted as it is now) forever, but this in turn does not mean that everyone within the industry will be able to wait it out unscathed. At the very least, personnel like pilots and aircraft technicians are advised to look at other options in order to give themselves the best chance of securing their future.

Aviation Sales Course Case Study

Fortunately, Aviation Business Consultants Intl. believes they have the answer. Having excelled in the business of aviation marketing since their inception more than 10 years ago, the company discovered that the people they met over the course of the work they did in the industry were often excellent at their jobs but did not have much skills at presenting either themselves or the value of their skills and products in the best light. Through their Aviation Sales Courses, they teach industry relevant marketing strategies to those who already have a deep understanding (and love) of aviation.

Now, however, recent events have prompted them to take this a step further. The company is looking for 30 pilots and techs to participate in a case study where they will be coached live through to their eventual success. This highly unusual and limited offer is the company’s response to the COVID-19 crisis as well as the industry-wide need for more people in aviation who know how to leverage marketing techniques to push their businesses forward in these trying times.

“Today,” states Aviation Business Consultants Intl., “you have to know how to target customers, demonstrate products and host webinars, among a host of other modern strategies that are becoming more and more commonplace. It is not enough for you to adopt these practices once they have already become the industry norm because that will leave you well behind the curve instead of at the bleeding edge where you and your company or clients deserve to be. By participating in our Aviation Sales skills training, you can absorb the benefit of the lessons we had to learn the hard way.”

These skills are based on three foundational pillars, which the company refers to as the ‘Big 3.’ They include the Basics (participants must learn the basic skills required for sales), Relationships (the company will build on the participant’s leadership skills, teaching them how to manage a prospect or a group of prospects) and Systems (participants will learn how to successfully run multiple deals simultaneously without missing important deadlines or forgetting crucial details). The benefits of this program are numerous, allowing those who complete it to outperform traditional salespeople who most likely have no knowledge base of aviation to build on. Furthermore, one of the best advantages of this field is that successful aviation salespeople can work from virtually anywhere in the world, provided they have an internet connection. As such, they can continue to work in peace without running afoul of social distancing guidelines.

To get started, interested parties are welcome to interview with the company over Facebook Messenger to see if they qualify for ABCI’s Aviation Sales Skills Challenge, a free 3-day event that is designed to help break the ice and introduce the case study’s participants to each other as well as the work they shall be doing to improve their sales skills. As the interview will be staged over Messenger, applicants should be aware that they require an active Facebook account to proceed. More information regarding the case study can be found on their Facebook page as well.

Applicants may direct any potential inquiries to Paula Williams of Aviation Business Consultants Intl. (ABCI), who is eager to help her team locate the next 30 pilots and techs who will take the aviation marketing industry by storm. Similarly, they may visit the company’s website for details regarding all their Aviation Sales courses.


For more information about Aviation Business Consultants Intl. (ABCI) , contact the company here:

Aviation Business Consultants Intl. (ABCI)
Paula Williams
1288 East 850 North
Tooele UT 84074

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