Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Kennected Lead Generation Software Helps Businesses Build And Develop Leads

Kennected is proud to direct business to its lead generation software for all its lead-related purposes. The software provides users with all the tools they need to generate leads on LinkedIn, making their lead generation and follow up efforts both simple and automated. The software sends connection requests with ease and follows up automatically as if the user were sending them manually.

Kennected is integrated with FindThatLead,, Anymail Finder, and more, which makes it easy to find emails inside the LinkedIn interface that allow one to push data directly to their CRM. The software’s Hubspot integration gives users the option to push a prospect’s detail, including all the conversations, to Hubspot. One can even push detail by default as soon as the prospect accepts the user’s invitation to connect.

“As LinkedIn and other social platforms become more relevant as the preferred channels for young professionals to connect and network, traditional sales prospecting channels like outbound emails and calls become less effective,” says a Kennected article on generating leads through LinkedIn. “For example, with cold email cadences, you’ll send out 1000 emails to incur a 15% open rate with a 2% reply rate, of which more than half are unsubscribed me’s. Cold emailing might have been effective in the past, but that’s definitely not the case today. Cold email is outdated, and you should look beyond spammy, cold sales tactics.”

Most cold, unsolicited emails are deleted and reported as spam, and it is very likely that sending out emails to potential leads will not have the desired effect and may even alienate potential clients. Automated emails are easier to detect than ever, and many people simply do not respond well to emails trying to sell them a product. This is where Kennected comes in. It is widely considered the best lead generation platform because it allows users to automate their outreach and personalize follow up in a way that allows them to build real relationships with prospects on a large scale without alienating the latter through cold calls, cold emails and other, impersonal methods.

“Kennected believes that lead generation shouldn’t require hundreds of hours attending fruitless networking events,” says the company, “or cold calling on companies in vain. There is a better way to generate leads. Kennected takes the place of cold calling, prospecting, and attending time-consuming networking events. If you have ever tried prospecting on LinkedIn manually, you know it can be fruitful. However, there is a bottleneck. And it’s you. Kennected knows there is a better way to do it. Our tech allows for personalized campaigns that can get you repeatable leads and sales. If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get the same results.”

A number of businesses have used Kennected to reach out to prospects through LinkedIn and seen great results. The software has helped companies grow, and representatives of some of those companies have written reviews of Kennected. “At the time I started using Kennected, I had less than 60 connections on LinkedIn,” says Glenn Cunningham, a realtor at Keller Williams. “Since then, that has grown to almost 2,000 connections. I have one house under contract, and I have two buyers who I am the buyer's agent on. If you are in Real Estate or any business where you need to generate leads, you should check out Kennected. It has certainly changed my business. It has added an entire stream of revenue to my business. Thanks, guys!”

Aaron Platt, co-founder of Social X, says, “We were trying to figure out how to use LinkedIn more efficiently. We wanted to generate leads and connect with other high net worth individuals. We came across Kennected and we jumped on a call with them. We built a LinkedIn group of up to 650 members in two months! During the onboarding, they helped us with our scripts, training and best practices on how to leverage their LinkedIn automation platform. Our Virtual Assistants run our accounts for us. Using Kennected will help you generate leads for your business! Kennected also helps us data mine by taking users’ names, emails etc. into a CRM, so we can build our email and text message list.”

For more information on Kennected and how it can help with lead automation, visit Kennected’s YouTube channel. Further details can be found on their website as well.


For more information about Kennected, contact the company here:

Devin Johnson

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