Thursday, June 4, 2020

Meet Positives Highlights The Truths And Myths Of Herpes In A New Post

Meet positives, a dating platform for people living with lifelong infections, has released information about the Truth about genital herpes. This post was aimed at helping people dealing with the infection understand it better.

According to the post, "Only promiscuous men and women get herpes. Although having sex with multiple partners will increase your chances to exposure, any sexually active person can contract herpes. As with all sexually transmitted diseases, herpes can be transmitted from just one sexual encounter. One of the most common misconceptions about herpes is that it only affects men and women who have many partners, but that is just simply not true. In fact, there are even a few reported instances of virgins contracting the disease orally.

"Although it is much more difficult to contract HSV-1 genitally, it is not impossible. This is especially true if the person administering oral sex is suffering from a cold sore. Moral of the story? Nobody ever wishes for herpes, but a diagnosis is not contingent on your sexual history, so withhold your judgment.

"A herpes diagnosis means you can kiss your love life goodbye.

"Most people who are aware and open about their status will tell you that dating with herpes is hard. While it is probably true that disclosing your STD status will deter a few partners, a herpes diagnosis is not the end-all be-all of your love life. Many infected individuals have fulfilling sex lives, and oftentimes, with individuals who do not have herpes.

"Honesty is always the best policy, but because there is such a stigma associated with herpes, many of those living with the disease are afraid to disclose their status. This is why it is incredibly important that we all do our due diligence and educate ourselves. As previously mentioned, there is only a four to 10 percent chance that those infected with the virus will transmit herpes during an asymptomatic period—and that is without a condom. With a condom, the chances plunge to about one or two percent.

"Herpes is something to be ashamed of.

"As if living with herpes wasn’t crappy enough, many of those who have become knowingly infected are ashamed of their status—some even battle suicidal thoughts. Subtle jabs in mainstream media and Hollywood movies (i.e. The Hangover) aren’t helping the herpes cause, either.

"In the grand scheme of things, herpes, though potentially uncomfortable, is merely a skin condition and it’s time we acknowledge the stigma, so that we can get the conversation going once and for all."

For more information about the herpes infection and herpes dating, visit the Meet Positives website.


For more information about, contact the company here:
Jack Lombardi
(855) 747-2031
Herpes dating website for people with herpes. Meet positive singles

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