Thursday, June 4, 2020

Meet Positives Highlights Valtrex Side Effects

Meet Positives, a dating platform for people living with lifelong infections such as herpes, HPV, and HIV provides more than just a modern dating experience. The site also posts useful information aimed at helping members cope with their infection. Recently, the site posted an article covering valtrex side effects itching being one of them. This is targeted at people who use the drug and to create knowledge.

Valtrex is a popularly used antiviral medication used in the treatment of Herpes. Like most medications, it comes with its benefits as well as side effects. The fact that the drug was approved by the FDA means the benefits outweigh the Valtrex side effects.

Valtrex is used in clearing up herpes outbreaks if used as soon as the first signs are experienced. The drug is also used in suppressive therapy where it is taken on a daily basis to curb regular outbreaks. However, it is still important to learn about the side effects one should expect when one starts taking Valtrex.

There are some Valtrex side effects that have been officially listed and there are some that are testimonies from people who have used or are still using the medication. The most common side effects seem to be itchy skin, thirst and dehydration, and mild disorientation in some individuals. Valtrex manufacturers include information that warns against use of heavy machinery when using the drug until one identifies the effect of the drug.

Less than 1% of patients have reported a headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea after taking Valtrex.

Between 0.1 and 1% of patients reported effects such as vertigo, dizziness, arthralgia, constipation, renal impairment, rash, abdominal pain, confusion, agitation and sore throat.

For more information about valtrex side effects and herpes dating, visit the Meet Positives website.


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Jack Lombardi
(855) 747-2031
Herpes dating website for people with herpes. Meet positive singles

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