Monday, June 8, 2020

Safe Personal Alarm Rockets In Popularity On Amazon

Israel based SLFORCE Ltd is pleased to report that their safety-focused SLFORCE Personal Alarm has continued to grow in popularity by leaps and bounds on Amazon. In addition to contributing to the company’s overall success as a business, this popularity represents a growing faction of customers who now enjoy greater peace of mind whenever they leave their homes. As such, the company is proud that their product has made an impact on so many lives.

The SLFORCE Personal Alarm comes in a pack of five, making it much simpler and affordable for a single customer to outfit their entire family or friend group with this simple yet useful device. SLFORCE believes that this aspect has a part to play in their product’s popularity, bolstering the fact that it offers a greater degree of safety and security to any individual who uses it. “The design behind this product is one of the most easily identifiable reasons why it is a hit with our customers,” says SLFORCE. “However, we don’t believe that good design is enough to promote safety to the extent that we want. As a result, we carefully considered our options before making the commercial decision to offer five alarms per purchase. It is our sincere hope that this covers the average family. Customers who have extra alarms will no doubt be glad they can supply their friends too.”

This attention to detail is reflected in the features that the personal alarms boast as well. As the company states in their product description, “With SLFORCE siren song alarm, you can rest assured knowing that your loved ones are protected. A great choice for kids, teenagers, women, elderly, students, joggers, etc.” They add, “Should someone wish to attack you or approach you with any malicious intent, the last thing they will want to do is draw attention to themselves. Our Personal Alarm can be used to do the opposite of what they want—it emits a screaming siren of 130 decibels that is sure to catch the attention of anyone in the vicinity.” This makes the SLFORCE Personal Alarm an excellent companion for every person who likes to go outdoors, especially if they are in the habit of going outside on their own.

The company is adamant that personal safety be preserved when their customers go outside. Recognizing the fact that not everyone will be a martial artist or otherwise able to defend themselves via combat, they chose to afford their customers the benefit of numbers instead, designing an alarm that would either frighten off would-be assailants altogether or surprise them long enough for other pedestrians and nearby residents to notice something is wrong and come to help.

Given that most attacks happen over the course of a matter of seconds, quick access to the alarm is a necessity the company’s customers cannot do without. As having to rummage in a backpack, purse or even pocket can waste valuable time, the SLFORCE Personal Alarm has been carefully manufactured so as to allow customers to clip it within easy reach. This means it can be attached to the exterior of a bag, keychain or even a strap on a pair of jeans. Similarly, the alarm is remarkably easy to use, needing only a quick pull in one direction to engage its mechanism and unleash a cacophony of sound. The end can then be replaced when the danger has passed, stopping the noise.

Notably, the alarm comes with a little torch attachment that is sure to be handy on nocturnal excursions. No longer will customers have to juggle their expensive smartphones in order to light their way, the SLFORCE Personal Alarm’s torch can be used to illuminate their path. The device is quite sturdy as well, making it less prone to damage in the event it were to slip from its owner’s grasp and fall to the ground.

More information regarding the SLFORCE Personal Alarm and the company’s other products can be found on their website. Customers are welcome to reach out to the company’s representatives in order to follow up on any inquiries as well. Find the product on Amazon at the following link:


For more information about SLFORCE LTD, contact the company here:

saadia gaon 17, mevaseret zion, 9072317 israel

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