Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Steadfast Tree Care Adds Blog Post Encouraging People to Put New Trees in Their Yards If They Don't Have Many

Steadfast Tree Care is a company that tries to help its customers make informed decisions regarding how to take care of their trees and beautify their landscapes by adding the proper types of trees. That is why they have just added a new blog post on their website that encourages people with few or no trees on their landscape to consider planting more. Those at the company feel the benefits of adding trees to any landscape far outweigh the extra yard maintenance that having a few extra trees creates. This newly posted blog article can be seen here at https://steadfasttree.care/care-tips-for-your-yard-in-hanover/.

Phillip Wood, the company owner, had this to say on the matter, “There is nothing that saddens us more than seeing a landscape that has few or no trees in it. Some of this has to do with the fact that we are obviously partial to trees but the majority of our disappointment comes from knowing that this homeowner is missing out on the many benefits that having trees in a yard offers. Trees are nature’s best filters that provide clean air to breathe. They also do a great job of holding soils in place and bigger ones even provide a natural windbreak for homes. Not to mention that trees that are properly trimmed and pruned promote a healthier and better-looking landscape. That is why I took the time to write and post this latest blog article.”

In the blog article, it started by mentioning that homeowners often have excuses as to why they don’t want more trees in their yard. Much of this has to do with things such as ease of mowing and maintenance. Some homeowners often claim that their yard is too small or by having an open yard that makes their lawn more versatile. The company owner counters that in his blog by saying that those with smaller yards or who want more open yards can simply plant smaller trees. According to the new blog post, this also creates an opportunity for a homeowner to get very creative with their landscape design. It was also stated in the article that some people don’t plant new trees in their yards because they take too long to grow. Once again, the blog answered this concern by stating that there are many varieties of faster-growing trees that work well in Virginia. The blog continued by giving some helpful tips on how to care for young trees for those that don’t plant new trees because they don’t know how to nurture them. In the article, it was specifically mentioned that watering the young tree properly is the key along with planting it in an area that gets the right amount of sunlight.

Another recent blog article the company posted focused on the difference between tree trimming and tree pruning. That blog was turned into a press release which can be seen here at https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/36178-steadfast-tree-care-explains-difference-between-tree-pruning-and-tree-trimming-in-new-blog-post. The blog article started by saying that tree trimming and tree pruning are similar because they both promote healthy tree growth but they differ greatly in scope. Tree trimming is concerned with the removal of overgrown branches of trees. Overgrown branches prevent healthy air, moisture, and sunlight from reaching the interior of a tree where it does the most good. According to the article, tree pruning involves the removal of dead or diseased branches. This promotes healthy tree growth by stopping the spread of disease further throughout a tree and it also removes branches that can become hazardous during strong storms and periods of high wind. This blog went on to mention that tree pruning and tree trimming works best when it’s done by a professional tree service and when it’s done on an annual basis.

Steadfast Tree Care provides tree trimming and other tree services in Hanover, VA and the surrounding areas. Some of their other tree-related services include safe tree removal, stump grinding, and yard and lot clearing. Information on all the different services that the company offers can be found on their website. Many other informational blog articles like the ones talked about in this article can also be found on the company’s website here at https://steadfasttreecare.blogspot.com.


For more information about Steadfast Tree Care, contact the company here:

Steadfast Tree Care
Phillip Wood
(877) 279-3085
Steadfast Tree Care

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