Monday, June 22, 2020 Publishes Information On Dogs And Poison Ivy

Beverly Hills, CA - With summer here and poison ivy everywhere, even growing in urban and suburban environments, here’s what dog owners need to know about this poisonous plant and their dogs.

WoofPost.Com - Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy?

Poison ivy, identified by its “leaves of three” contains an oil called urushiol, which causes most humans to break out in an unbearably itchy oozing red rash. The bad news is yes dogs can get poison ivy. But the good news is that it doesn’t happen very often.

For most dogs, the skin is protected by their fur from oil. But, if owners have a dog with very thin fur, or a short coat, the oil may be able to penetrate all the way to the skin and cause irritation.

To read the remainder of this article, Can Dogs Get Poison Ivy?, go to

Also recently published are Which Dog Breed Is The Worst Shedder? These Five Vie For The Top Spot, and Which Dog Breeds Are At Most Risk From The Summer Heat? is a comprehensive site for information dog owners can rely on, and includes tips on health, exercise, fun facts, breed profiles and much more. To access the complete article on the most popular dog breed, plus the article mentioned above and more, just go to has a free active Facebook Group of dog parents which any dog owner is welcome to join at The WoofPost’s official hashtag is #woofpost.


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