Friday, June 26, 2020 Publishes Information On Why Dogs Dig Into Carpets

Beverly Hills, CA - Some dogs behave perfectly well outside, then when they come into the owner’s house they suddenly start digging into the carpet.

WoofPost.Com - Why Does Your Dog Dig Into Your Carpet?

Plus it seems that no matter what owners do to try to discourage this behavior, as soon as they turn their backs the dog is at it again.

Here are some reasons why dogs try to dig holes in carpets:

One - The simplest explanation for digging into carpet is that the dog may be after a crumb of food that fell into the carpeting material and is just trying to get it out.

Two - The dog may smell something in the carpet that arouses his interest and the digging is simply an instinctive reaction to that. Dogs do this outside as well, digging at something in the dirt that they smell, before rolling in it.

To read the remainder of this article, Why Does Your Dog Dig Into Your Carpet, go to

Also recently published is Do You Know These Facts About Dogs? is a comprehensive site for information dog owners can rely on, and includes tips on health, exercise, fun facts, breed profiles and much more. To access the complete article on dogs and carpets, plus the article mentioned above and more, just go to has a free active Facebook Group of dog parents which any dog owner is welcome to join at The WoofPost’s official hashtag is #woofpost.


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