Monday, June 29, 2020 Publishes Information On How Modern Sled Dog Breed Are Older Than Originally Thought

Beverly Hills, CA - Researchers interested in the origin of the domestic dog have long thought that modern sled dogs such as the Greenland sled dog, Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malaute breeds were only about 2000 to 3000 years old.

WoofPost.Com - Modern Sled Dogs Older Than We Thought

These breeds were thought to be relatively young companed to the many thousands of years dogs have been associated with human beings.

But new research by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen in collaboration with the University of Greenland and the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona tells a different story. The researchers extracted the DNA from a 9,500-year-old dog from the Siberian island of Zhokhov for which the ancient dog is named and compared it to the genome of our modern sled dog breeds.

To read the remainder of this article, Modern Sled Dog Breeds Are Older Than We Thought, go to

Also recently published is Five Fun Facts About Basset Hounds. is a comprehensive site for information dog owners can rely on, and includes tips on health, exercise, fun facts, breed profiles and much more. To access the complete article on dogs and carpets, plus the article mentioned above and more, just go to has a free active Facebook Group of dog parents which any dog owner is welcome to join at The WoofPost’s official hashtag is #woofpost.


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