Tuesday, June 9, 2020

WoofPost.com Publishes Information On How Frequently Owners Should Feed Dogs

Beverly Hills, CA - Dog owners may wonder just how many times a day to feed is optimal for their dog’s health.

WoofPost.Com - How Many Times Per Day Should You Feed Your Dog?

While there is really no hard and fast rule on this, most canine veterinarians recommend feeding dogs twice a day. But some of this depends on the breed and activity level of the dog.

Large breeds generally require more calories than smaller breeds and will often require more frequent feedings than small to medium size dogs.

Puppy feeding and nutrition is an entirely different subject and is one the WoofPost will address later as a separate topic. Puppies need small, frequent feedings in general consisting of four to six meals a day for their first three months of life.

To read the remainder of this article, How Many times A Day Should You Feed Your Dog, go to WoofPost.com.

Also recently published are Five Fun Facts About Dalmatians.

WoofPost.com is a comprehensive site for information dog owners can rely on, and includes tips on health, exercise, fun facts, breed profiles and much more. To access the complete article on dogs and feeding, plus the article mentioned above and more, just go to https://woofpost.com.

WoofPost.com has a free active Facebook Group of dog parents which any dog owner is welcome to join at TheWoofBookGroup.com. The WoofPost’s official hashtag is #woofpost.


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