Thursday, July 30, 2020

Safe Personal Alarm Company Offers Personal Safety Tips in New Blog Post

SLFORCE LTD, a company that provides safe personal alarms, has offered 38 personal safety tips, in a new blog post, that could save a person’s life. These tips have to do with walking safety, driving and parking safety, home safety, what to do when attacked, and risk reduction. SLFORCE is a developer of unique products through a team of experienced engineers. These products are often for self-defense with their focus being the personal safety of people.

Shahar, a spokesperson for SLFORCE LTD, says, “There are so many crimes occurring nowadays that it has become a common issue in society. So it is important for you to ensure your own safety. That is why we present you a list of personal safety tips which will help you to reduce the possibilities of becoming a crime victim. We also suggest you using your own judgment when the time comes.”

For instance, when walking, there are a number of safety tips that a person can follow. These include: informing somebody else about one’s purpose in walking, where one is going, and when one will return; bringing along a dog who will likely bark at strangers; avoiding the less frequented roads; bringing along a cell phone and taking note of the emergency number and using it in case there is anything suspicious; thinking beforehand the road to be taken; making sure to be aware of one’s surroundings and keeping the volume low when using headphones; and using a flashlight during night time walks.

The article also offers a number of safety tips for those who are driving and parking. These include parking in a place that has plenty of lights and is highly visible; making sure that there is enough fuel for the car before embarking on a long journey; driving only through busy streets whenever possible; not giving a lift to strangers; keeping the doors and windows of the car well locked; carefully remembering where one’s car has been parked; always checking the car for anything that is suspicious; driving in main roads and calling the police if it appears that another car is following; ensuring that the car is in good condition always to avoid unplanned stops; honking the horn continuously if anyone suspicious is approaching one’s car.

And even when at home, there are a number of safety tips to follow. These include always checking through the peephole to see who knocked; asking for information about anyone who knocks on the door but looks unfamiliar; ensuring that all doors and windows are locked when going out; when living alone, always keeping a well trusted neighbor or friend informed about one’s whereabouts and entrusting that person with a house key; ensuring that all keys are well hidden; and never entering the house alone and informing the police, when coming home after noticing that some windows or door locks have been broken or something seems suspicious.

And during those times when one is being attacked, there are a number of safety tips. These include screaming as hard as possible; running towards a crowded place; giving one’s money, purse, or valuable things without restraint if the attacker asks for it; and not leaving busy roads or sidewalks when being followed or about to be attacked.

Meanwhile, the personal alarms that are available through SLFORCE LTD may be able to help when one is being attacked. It may be that victims are too traumatized to remember to scream or are too scare to scream for help during dangerous and unfamiliar situations. The personal alarm makes it easier for victims to draw other people’s attention. This is because it emits an extremely loud 130dB alarm. It is simply activated by pulling the pin out, and the sound can last for one hour. It can also be turned off by inserting the pin back. It is easy to carry and can effortlessly be attached to a bag or backpack. And it has a built-in LED flashlight.

People who would like to know more about personal alarms or other self-defense products may want to visit the SLFORCE LTD website at, or contact them through the telephone, or via email.


For more information about SLFORCE LTD, contact the company here:

saadia gaon 17, mevaseret zion, 9072317 israel

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