Friday, October 9, 2020 Releases Blog Post To Help People Stay Cool In Summer, a website that focuses on all things cooling, has recently made a blog post that aims to inform readers on possible ways that they can cool down their living spaces without the need for air conditioning. The company saw a need for making a post because of the all-time high temperatures being recorded all across the country.

In a conversation with one of the site’s researchers, they commented about the high energy consumption rates of air conditioners, “All that energy adds up. AC costs homeowners about $29 billion each year, according to the United States Department of Energy (DOE). Fans are a far more energy-efficient and cost-effective means of cooling down a house in the summer. Some modern fans even come equipped with humidification settings to help cool down a room more effectively. But fans only work effectively when you use them correctly. In the article, we noted that stale air feels much heavier and hot than fresh air. The key to making the room feel more cool than it actually is is making sure that the air inside of it is constantly moving. It’s also a good idea to place the fan in such a way that it can get a source of fresh air, such as near a window.” The representative also noted the efficacy of window fans that are specifically made to pull hot air out and cool air in simultaneously.

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Furthermore, the company warns its readers of the myriad of adverse health effects that come with elevated temperatures. “When the air temperature or humidity rises above the range for comfort, problems can arise. The first effects relate to how you feel. Exposure to more heat can cause health problems and may affect performance.As the temperature or heat burden increases, people may feel some negative effects such as increased irritability, loss of concentration and ability to do mental tasks, loss of ability to do skilled tasks or heavy work,” says the site. The article was written with the previous points in mind.

In other statements, the site noted that in moderately hot environments, the body "goes to work" to get rid of excess heat so it can maintain its normal body temperature. The heart rate increases to pump more blood through the outer body parts and skin so that excess heat can be expelled to the environment, this is when sweating occurs. As a result, this puts additional demands on the body. Changes in blood flow and excessive sweating reduce a person's ability to do physical and mental work. Manual work creates additional metabolic heat and adds to the body heat burden. When the environmental temperature rises above 30°C, it may interfere with the performance of mental tasks.

The article shows readers several ways that they can take advantage to avoid the heat. In one of their headings, the site mentions that it’s a good idea to remain low when the heat is on. Hot air rises while cooler air sinks. The site makes a point to its readers that when it’s unavoidable to stay in a hot room, spend as much as possible time standing up and to stay low. Sit or lay down to avoid getting the full brunt of the heat.

Finally, the article mentioned getting energy-efficient light bulbs. A recent survey conducted by Green Tech Media found out that only about 30 percent of American households have switched to LEDs for their lighting. An overwhelming majority of households still use inefficient incandescent light bulbs which, aside from providing less light for each watt, but also produce insane amounts of heat, further contributing to how hot a room gets.


For more information about Cooling Towels, contact the company here:

Cooling Towels
Cody Wise

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