Keenhealth, a home health products business based in Denver, Colorado, has announced that their K-MB-716 size L pregnancy belt is currently available. This product is a pregnancy belt designed to help pregnant women support the weight of the growing baby in their belly. It is also designed to be easy to adjust so that the user can easily adapt it to the size of the growing baby bump.
Lily, a spokesperson for Keenhealth, says, “We’re excited to reveal that we are offering the K-MB-716 pregnancy belt, large size, to help women carry in their belly their growing baby. One difficulty of being pregnant is that it requires heavy lifting, especially for those who are already in their third trimester. This belly band is now available to help you relieve your back pain, or to help you when you want to do some chores.”
She continues, “Furthermore, this pregnancy belt has been designed to be adjustable so that it is not too tight nor too loose. Its velcro end enables you to adjust it to fit your growing baby bump, up to 49 inches (size L). And then, another important advantage of this pregnancy belt is that it is so easy to clean it. It will only take you 15 minutes to clean it, in just three steps: soak, rinse, and dry.”
The K-MB-716 size L maternity belt is basically for women who are in their second or third trimester to avoid the pain and discomfort that comes with carrying the increasing weight of the baby in their belly. One of the reasons for this is that the increasing weight exerts pressure on the ligaments that are there to support the growing baby in the womb. The kind of pain experienced will vary between various women. It can just be a dull ache or it can be a sharp and excruciating pain felt under the belly and on the front of the hips. By reducing the pressure on the round ligaments, the belly band can help reduce the pain.
There is also the unusual posture of pregnant women, which is that they appear to sway back when they stand or walk. Obviously, this is not a proper posture but it is caused by the added weight at the front of the body combined with the stretching and weakening of the key core muscles that are supposed to support the spine. With the pregnancy belt, women may be able to avoid this kind of improper posture.
Also, pregnant women are usually advised to get some exercise. Exercising during pregnancy has many benefits, including the improvement of muscle tone, strength, and endurance. And it can even decrease back ache, bloating, swelling, and constipation. The only problem is that pregnant women may prefer to simply sit still or lie down because of the pain and discomfort that they suffer from when they move. Fortunately, the pregnancy belt can help with that so that they can be motivated to exercise.
And then there is the sacroiliac joint pain that is caused by the body releasing more of the relaxin hormone. This hormone is essential for pregnant women because it helps to relax certain ligaments in the hips and to widen the cervix as a way to prepare the woman’s body for childbirth. Unfortunately, this also causes the hip joints to be less stable. The result can be a sharp and excruciating pain felt on the lower back adjacent to the tailbone. The belly band can help with this by providing support to the area to help in stabilizing the hips.
The gentle compression that the pregnancy belt exerts on the tummy of pregnant women can help ease the pain and discomfort that they feel when they engage in physical activity. However, it is important to make sure that the pressure is not too strong as this can hamper circulation. That is why the K-MB-716 belt is adjustable so that just the right amount of pressure is applied to the tummy.
Those who would like to know more about the K-MB-716 size L belly belt or other similar products can proceed to the Keenhealth Amazon page.
For more information about Keenhealth, contact the company here:
Denver, CO
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