Keenhealth, a home health products business based in Denver, Colorado, has announced that they have made available the K-MB-716 size L pregnancy belt that will help pregnant women in supporting their baby bump. This belt for pregnant women is designed to help them carry the increasing weight of their growing baby in their belly. It is also adjustable so that the same belt can be worn while the baby is growing.
“We’ve made available the K-MB-716 size L pregnancy belt that can help women carry the increasing weight of the baby in their tummy. Being pregnant, especially when you reach your third trimester, means heavy lifting. This can result to a lot of pain and suffering that pregnant women. But with the K-MB-716, pregnant women need not endure all that,” says Lily, a spokesperson for Keenhealth.
She continues, “Furthermore, this pregnancy belt is adjustable so that it is not too tight nor too loose. The velcro end of the belt allows the user to adjust it to suit her growing belly, up to 49 inches, for this particular L size. Another essential advantage of this pregnancy belt is that it would only take 15 minutes to clean it. You simply soak, rinse, and dry it, and it’s done.”
The K-MB-716 size L pregnancy belt for pregnant women, particularly for those who are already in their second and third trimesters. This belt provides support to the abdomen and the lower back so that pregnant women can avoid pelvic pain and back pain. One example of such pain is called sacroiliac joint pain, which is due to the increase in relaxin in pregnant women. While this hormone has an important purpose, which is to relax the ligaments in the hips and widen the cervix, in preparation for childbirth, it causes the hip joints to become less stable. This results into pain that can be sharp and excruciating in the lower back near the tailbone. With a maternity belt that help support the area, helping to stabilize the hips, the pain can be prevented.
By providing gentle compression to the belly of pregnant women, helping to support the growing baby and decrease discomfort when moving while doing some physical activity. It is important for pregnant women using this kind of belt to be warned that too much pressure can prevent proper blood circulation. Too much pressure can affect their blood pressure and it may also lead to heartburn and indigestion. But because the K-MB-716 is adjustable, the user can easily make sure that the pressure is just enough to help support the baby.
This belly band is also helpful for pregnant women because it allows them do some exercises. Because of the pain and discomfort that they feel when they engage in physical activity, pregnant women tend to avoid exercise, which should have been beneficial for them because exercise can help enhance muscle tone and endurance. That is one vital purpose of this pregnancy belt. It allows them to do some exercises while wearing the pregnancy belt because the pain and discomfort is substantially reduced for them while they are moving.
And then the belly band can also help pregnant women ensure that they have the proper posture, by preventing them from overextending their lower back because of the extra weight they need to carry. The common “swayback” appearance of pregnant women is actually due to the extra weight in the front of their body in combination of the weakening and stretching of the key core muscles supporting the spine.
And then round ligament pain is also a problem for pregnant women, especially during the second trimester because of the increased weight and pressure exerted on the ligaments whose job is to support the growing uterus. The kind of pain felt may range from a dull ache to a sharp and excruciating pain on the front of the hip and below the stomach. A pregnancy belt can help avoid or minimize this pain by distributing the extra weight across the back and the abdomen. This is because it decreases the pressure on the round ligaments.
Those who are interested in the K-MB-716 size L belly belt or other similar products can visit the Keenhealth Amazon page.
For more information about Keenhealth, contact the company here:
Denver, CO
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