Thursday, June 4, 2020

Meet Positives New Post On Valtrex Side Effects Helping Positive Herpes Singles

Meet Positives has recently posted an article on Valtrex side effects, a herpes treatment drug. This is aimed at providing useful information to people using this drug to treat herpes.

According to the website, "Valtrex Suppressive therapy involves taking 1 g of Valtrex every day. It is only during active breakouts that 2 g is taken. However, the use of Valtrex on a daily basis might be too much for some people especially when it comes to the liver. Valtrex is processed in the liver and a high intake can damage this organ. In most cases, the liver damage shows up as hepatitis, abnormal enzymes, or liver inflammation. For this reason, experts in the medical world agree that taking Valtrex forever is not a good idea especially when high doses are involved.

"Taking Valtrex over a long period of time whether continuously or occasionally can affect the liver as well as the kidney. Tests have shown that Valtrex may cause kidney failure in some people. Most people who experience problems with their kidney when taking Valtrex have had previous kidney conditions. Some were simply elderly without any pre existing kidney problems. Some were taking other drugs that also affect the kidneys.

"There are reports that link Valtrex to hallucinations, confusion, seizures, delirium, dizziness, encephalopathy and agitation in some people. According to the reports, the people most affected by Valtrex in this are elderly individuals.

"Valtrex is a category B medication. Therefore, there are no known risks involved when you take Valtrex when pregnant or when breastfeeding. Doctors can prescribe Valtrex in cases where they think that labor might come during an outbreak. This is to basically protect the baby from infection. However, the test used to place Valtrex in category B has been termed as insufficient. As a result, experts recommend the use of Valtrex during pregnancy and breastfeeding only in cases where the benefits outweigh the risk to the baby.

"There are health conditions that do not allow the use of Valtrex as a herpes treatment option. This is because the use of the drug will only make the conditions worse. These conditions include Ttp/Hus, hemodialysis, and renal impairment.

"There are reports of increased “Black-outs” if people drink and are taking Valtrex. There are also people who have reported getting drunk faster with less alcohol when taking this medication. Some have blacked out without memory of what happened when they were under the influence.

"In case of the following allergic reactions or signs, get immediate medical help: difficulty breathing; hives; swelling in the face, tongue, throat or lips."

For more information about Valtrex, its uses and side effects, visit the Meet Positives website.


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